Automated User Provisioning Software

Deploy automated user provisioning tools to support SLAs, increase security compliance, and reduce costs

Automatically provision and deprovision AD users

Automation drives efficiency, freeing IT staff to focus on higher value projects. A lightweight Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD user provisioning tool, SolarWinds® Access Rights Manager (ARM) streamlines user onboarding and enables rapid response to account termination requests. ARM is built to standardize user credentials with role-specific templates, helping IT teams to securely manage accounts at scale. Additionally, our self-service permissions portal delegates user access rights management to data owners for greater convenience. With SolarWinds ARM, you’ll help reduce IT workload as well as accelerate compliance for mandates such as GDPR, PCI DSS, and HIPAA.

Help reduce risk with greater visibility

Credential misuse and misconfiguration can often expose organizations to data breaches and other risks. Greater visibility and control into AD and Azure AD user provisioning (and deprovisioning) is essential for effective data loss prevention. SolarWinds Access Rights Manager immediately identifies credential misconfigurations and triggers alerts for rapid mitigation, like account deletion. ARM is also designed to monitor and report on unauthorized access attempts. Visualizing AD user permissions is the first step to risk reduction.

Run on-demand compliance reports

To help demonstrate compliance with GDPR, PCI DSS, and HIPAA, auditors ask for evidence that secure user provisioning procedures are in place. SolarWinds ARM user management system gives you detailed reports to show how user accounts are provisioned and de-provisioned, how to analyze permissions, and other details of credential management. Run customized reports on demand and send them directly to your auditor. By auditing and centralizing user access to Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange, managing SharePoint permissions, and other assets, ARM is built to streamline audits and strengthen incident response.

Azure AD User Provisioning

Cloud services are an essential part of IT environments today. One of the most-used cloud services is Microsoft Office 365. ARM enables customers to create users and mailboxes in Azure AD for Office 365 and to assign the corresponding licenses for their users in Office 365 with ARM. ARM takes Azure AD user provisioning capability to a new level beyond on-premises systems like Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange. It benefits you by allowing you to provision users by reducing error probability and workload, while showing compliance across hybrid infrastructures.

Get More on User Provisioning

Do you find yourself asking…

Automated Active Directory User Provisioning Tool

Access Rights Manager

  • Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint, and file server monitoring and management
  • Customizable automated compliance report generation
  • User permissions analysis and provisioning

Starts at $2,003

Subscription and Perpetual Licensing options available

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